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How to Auto Shutdown PC

Auto Shutdown PC
It is very obvious that sometimes we need to auto shutdown our pc. If you are looking for an easy solution to do this then follow my steps. I have shown here a very few steps to do it. This process won't take more than 2-3minutes. I think it will work on your computer.


1. At first open your Notepad.
Open Notepad

2a. Type the codes inside the notepad as the picture tells you.
Type codes of this pic

2b. The numerical values here indicates seconds. Convert your minutes, hours into seconds. Suppose, you want to shutdown your pc after 1 Hour then your numerical value will be 3600.

3. Save the note as .bat format. You can give it a name like timer.bat or shutdown.bat
Save file as .bat format

4. Execute the .bat file. You are done.


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