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MySQL: The WHERE Statement

  • Select a row from a specific column by giving a condition-
    SELECT name, address FROM customers WHERE id=54
  • Select all the row accept a specific row from a column-
    SELECT name, address FROM customers WHERE id !=54
  • Select rows by implementing different condition-
    SELECT name, address FROM customers WHERE id <54
  • Select  rows between two specific rows by using statement BETWEEN-
    SELECT name, state FROM customers WHERE id BETWEEN 20 AND 30


  1. Use WHERE statement when will got select a specific row from a column.
  2. If you want to select all rows accept a specific row then use != sign.
  3. You can use different conditional sign like <,  =<, >, =>, = according to your query.
  4. If you want to find data between two conditions then then use the statement BETWEEN and use the statement AND between the two conditions. 



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