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MySQL: IN, NOT IN Statements

  • If you want to find a specific information from different sources/places from database then you can use the statement IN like this-
    SELECT name, state FROM customers WHERE state IN('CA','NY','NC')
  • If you want to find a specific information form different sources accept a few sources the then use statement NOT IN like this-
    SELECT name, state FROM customers WHERE state NOT IN('CA','NY','NC')
  • For the same conditions as mentioned above if you want to order your result according to a specific manner then use ORDER BY statement like this-
    SELECT name, state FROM customers WHERE state IN('CA','NY','NC') ORDER BY state

  1. Sometimes we have to use OR statement several times to find out informations form different rows/columns, but we can use IN once instead of using OR several times.
  2. We can use NOT IN to skip some columns/rows.
  3. To order your result use statement ORDER BY.



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